For the 2nd time in a row- Pensacola’s best burger is BLUE!

Congratulations, Blue Dot, two-time winner of the Pensacola Burger Tour.

In a 6 to 3 decision our judges decided Friday to crown the Blue Dot winner of the 2015 Tour- narrowly beating out an amazing burger from Pot Roast & Pinot.

Both burgers are incredible and we encourage you to sample both.

At the end of the day the simplicity and consistency of the Blue Dot finished ahead of the creativity and culinary skill behind the Pot Roast burger.

The Yankee said this of the final two burgers:

“We’ve been able to standardize the competition by limiting toppings (lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle and traditional condiments) in an effort to compare apples to apples.  But these two burgers couldn’t be more different.  If this competition has taught us anything, it’s that there are a number of sub-categories in the world of hamburgers.  The Pot Roast & Pinot burger would classify as a “gourmet” burger while the Blue Dot is a more of a “blue collar burger.”  Both are delicious, and while both are technically hamburgers; it’s like comparing an apple to an orange.  My fear is that faithful Blue Dot patrons would never eat at Pot Roast & Pinot while faithful Pot Roast types would never wander into the Blue Dot.  It would be a shame for anyone live in Pensacola and not try BOTH of these burgers for themselves.”

So, we’re challenging you, burger lover.  Get yourself a Blue Dot.  Get yourself a Pot Roast burger.  Let us know what you think.

And so, with a heavy heart and a full belly our 2015 Pensacola Burger Tour rolls to a stop.

Thank you to those faithful followers who made this Tour an incredible success.

You helped us accomplish exactly what we set out to do when we began the Tour; find the best burger in Pensacola that no one knows about.

Two of our finalists this year were burgers that NO ONE on our Panel had eaten before; The Other Place and Pot Roast & Pinot.

Congratulations to Pot Roast & Pinot and The Other Place; our runner up and third place burger.

Peace, Love and Beef.


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